What's new?


Perps V3 is an upgrade to the existing Synthetix Perpetuals, designed to provide enhanced functionality, reduced operational costs, and a seamless user experience.

The new website: https://trade.polynomial.finance

Key Features:

  • Native Cross-Margin: Unlock the potential of your collateral by utilizing cross-margin capabilities, allowing you to diversify your trading strategies and maximize asset utilization.

  • Expanded Margin Collateral Types: New collateral options, all added based on community demand and governed approval (eg. snxETH & snxBTC).

  • Gas Cost Efficiency: Thanks to the new V3 infrastructure, Perps V3 offers a substantial reduction in gas fees, making trading more economical than ever.

  • Oracle Agnostic Integration: Perps V3 supports multiple oracle solutions, enabling robust and diversified data sources for accurate market pricing.

  • Cross-Chain & Synth Teleporters: deployment on any EVM-compatible chain, enabling cross-chain provisioning of liquidity and ensuring that synthetic assets and markets are not confined to a single blockchain. Synth teleporters has no slippage because assets are simply burned on one chain and minted on another.

  • Permissionless Market / Asset Creation: the creation process for Pools, Vaults, and Markets will become permissionless, allowing for greater flexibility and innovation in asset and market creation.

  • Liquidation Mechanism: with the introduction of cross-margin there will be account liquidation rather than individual positions (be careful!).

Last updated